Established 1993
Twisted Oak has done a variety of positive things for the community here in central Florida.
- Twisted Oak was featured doing Ritual with Christine Jones in the Oct. 28th, 2002 Episode of “Inside Out” on the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) of England. Although there are no photos of us on the BBC web page, they have placed a link back to our coven’s website here. On the BBC web page, you can read all about Sybil Leek, which is what the Episode was about. If you’d like to see the episode, I have a copy of the video. Just email me!
- A more locally visible activity we have done has been hosting Sabbats for WRCF (Now OPC), for Mystic Grove at the First UU Church of Orlando, and general hosting by ourselves at a public venues. We also enjoyed creating and hosting the annual Goddess Faire outside through ACORN for many years. Here’s a list:
- WRCF Mabon 1995
- WRCF Samhain 1995 (done with Elven Earth)
- WRCF Lammas 1998 (done with our daughter coven Thunder Oak)
- WRCF Midsummer 1999
- WRCF Samhain 1999 (done with our daughter coven Thunder Oak)
- The 1st Goddess Faire 2000
- The 2nd Goddess Faire 2001
- WRCF Beltane 2002
- The 3rd Goddess Faire 2002
- The 4th Goddess Faire 2003
- The 5th Goddess Faire 2004
- The 6th Goddess Faire 2005
- WRCF Ostara 2006 (held in conjunction with the 7th Goddess Faire 2006) – Coven of the Goddess Moon performed the ritual.
- Imbolg 2018 at the First UU Church of Orlando
- Yule 2018 at Mead Gardens, Winter Park
- In 1996 Alexian sponsored & guided 2 young teens through the Hart & Crescent Youth Program (from COG) to receive their awards.
- From 1997 to 2001 Twisted Oak published “The Guardian”, an Alexandrian Newsletter that spread across the globe reaching many different “lines”. It had many interesting articles, including a Question/Answer section called “Ask Maxine” (Sanders).
- In 1999 Twisted Oak, along with our daughter coven Thunder Oak, founded the ACORN Wiccan Community. ACORN hosted the annual “Goddess Faire” for 7 years in the park in Orlando, FL and at a private residence in Geneva, FL, along with other enjoyable events.
- In the Summer of 1999 Twisted Oak & Thunder Oak assisted Chris Jones in the making of her movie trailer “January Witch“. This was featured at the Melbourne, FL film festival later that year.