ACORN, the community around our coven
and our coven’s Outer Court are always OPEN for new members.
Currently, the Coven itself is now OPEN to new members.

The Path to Enter
Twisted Oak Guest
- You must first meet with Lord Alexian for a lunch “screening” to discuss Wicca in general and also ask any questions that you may have concerning Alexandrian Wicca. This helps filter out people who really aren’t interested in our tradition.
- After “passing” this initial screening, you will be added to our private Discord Server, and then immediately invited to attend a Sabbat with Twisted Oak as a Guest. Please make sure that you choose a food and post what you are bringing on our Feast Sign Up List, under that specific event listing on Discord. Everyone is required to bring and share something for the potluck feast after every Sabbat. If you were supposed to receive an invitation and didn’t, please contact Lord Alexian. After attending a minimum of 2 Sabbats with Twisted Oak, you will become “Outer Court” eligible.
Twisted Oak Outer Court
- Now that you are “Outer Court” eligible, you will be invited to join our Outer Court. If you choose to not join, you can not visit again, without first asking for another invitation, and then explaining why you turned down Outer Court. If you say Yes, and accept membership into our Outer Court, you will remain a member of our Discord Server and continue to receive invitations to all our Sabbats and Social Events. There are also a few “open” classes where Outer Court members can attend. You will also be notified of these as well. Basically, Outer Court is a status of “Affiliation” without making any attempt to “study” the craft and become a “Priest” or “Priestess”.
- It is required that you attend a minimum of 2 Sabbats a year to remain in the Outer Court. If you do not, you will be removed from the Discord Server, and your “status” will be revoked.
Twisted Oak Covener
- After you accept Outer Court and have attended at least 2 Social events, in addition to the 2 Sabbats, you may petition to join the coven to study *IF* we are accepting New Students.
- Make your request, in writing, to Lord Alexian, and it will be brought before the coven at the next Coven Business Meeting, where we will schedule your “Hotseat”. (Business Meetings happen once a month.)
- The “Hotseat” is just that. You are put in a chair and surrounded by the coven, and you are asked many many questions which you should answer truthfully from your heart. The TRUTH is the main thing to remember! After your hotseat, the coven will take a democratic vote to let you join or not. If you are turned down, you may still remain a member of our Outer Court and still celebrate with us! You may even re-apply to become a new student at a later date.
- If you are voted “IN”, then you become known as a “Pre-Dedicant”. You will need to attend several pre-dedication classes and read certain books and submit book reports. After this work is done, your “Dedication Ritual” will be scheduled and you will become an official “Covener” within Twisted Oak Coven, and be known as a “Postulant”.
- Once you are a “Postulant” you study for a MINIMUM of a “Year and a Day”, and a MAXIMUM of 2 Years, before you are Initiated and become a 1st Degree “Initiate” of the Alexandrian Tradition, and a Witch.
- You are well On Your Way!